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As Christ Is My Example
provides scriptural quotes that will draw you closer to Christ allowing you to gain a deeper understanding of his life here on Earth. This book is a must read for any who are searching for Christ. To purchase, please visit my website: www.keeganbooks.com


April 16, 2023: Dear Friends, Welcome to this weekly blog that focuses on helping others learn and know the Bible. This week, a new series will begin on learning the Bible. The series will consist of multiple topics that will help in acquiring knowledge and understanding as one who seeks to learn the Bible.

The Bible consists of several books that have been written by different authors, with some books having more than one author. The timeline of when the books of the Bible were written is generally thought to be in line of a timespan of 2000 to 3000 years ago. 

The Bible is organized into the Old Testament which has 39 books and the New Testament having 27 books. The books located in the Old Testament were written before Jesus birth in 6 BCE, generally thought to be written 1800 BCE to the 400′s BCE. The books in the New Testament were written after the birth of Jesus, with most books of the New Testament considered to be written in the 50′s AD to 100 AD timeframe.

The Old Testament refers to the “Old Covenant that God provided to the people in a particular agreement by laws and commandments, leading people to follow and worship God by obeying the laws and commandments in their lives. The New Testament refers to the New Covenant where God brought his only son, Jesus Christ, to live on earth with the idea that people would believe and follow Jesus and his teachings, giving the believer a new life in Jesus Christ. The Old Covenant consisted in laws and commandments, The New Covenant was spirit oriented in the belief of Jesus Christ. Jesus said in John, chapter 10, verse 30, that “The Father and I are one.” Many believe that God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are one. 

There are several topics that will be listed that will help the follower know ahead of time of what and when specific topics will be written about. Each topic might take 2-3 blogs to complete the information that is being taught. Topic 1: Learning the location of each of the books of the Bible. This is a most important topic because learning the location of the Bible books will allow the follower to search for and find specific Bible verses to be read. 2: Learning the organization of the Bible books. This knowledge will reinforce learning where the books are located, saving time in searching for a specific Bible verse. 3: Learning the approximate timeframe of when specific books of the Bible were written will add perspective in the knowledge about the book being studied.  4. Connecting the books of the Bible together. This will reduce confusion and increase knowledge about the books of the Bible. The books can be connected through specific geographic sites listed in the Bible. The books can be connected through various words and teachings that transverse throughout the Bible. This allow the follower to have a better understanding of what God is trying to teach through his written word. 

Our series will start next week with topic 1. Remember the date of this blog so that references can be made to return to this page when following what and when a topic will be written about. Bible verses below will be listed that tell about the Word of God, the Holy Bible.

               MAY GOD BLESS YOUR BIBLE STUDY THIS WEEK!                          

Bible Verses: Read Psalm, chapter 119, the longest book in the Bible. There are 175 verses. There are several references to the “Word of God” in this chapter. Remember the word “law” is referring to the Word of God. Read and contemplate on 25 verses in this chapter daily. Next few week’s verses will coincide with the topic being written about.

Posted 55 weeks ago

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