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As Christ Is My Example
provides scriptural quotes that will draw you closer to Christ allowing you to gain a deeper understanding of his life here on Earth. This book is a must read for any who are searching for Christ. To purchase, please visit my website: www.keeganbooks.com


JULY 3, 2022:  Dear Friends, Happy 4th of July weekend! We are now in the second half of 2022. During these past few months, a series on the study of God and a series on following Jesus’s life during Lent and Easter have been discussed. This current series, “Learning and Knowing Your Bible,” was started after Easter on April 24th and has been continued through today. Go to the website above left to KeeganBooks.Com., to read and contemplate on the information provided in all three of these series.

Learning and knowing the Bible is one of the most important tools in gaining the ability to understand and study the Bible. The important steps in learning the Bible are as follows:1. Learning the names and locations of the books of the Bible. 2. Learning how the books of the Bible are organized: learn the books in  The Old Testament and The New Testament. 3. Learning how to search for and find Bible verses to read and study. 4. Learning the timeline of when the books of the Bible were written. This adds perspective to thinking as one is contemplating on what is being read.  5. Recognizing how the books of the Bible are related:  A. Through geographic sites that transverse through the books of the Bible. B. Through the commonalty of words and ideas that are found in many different books of the Bible. C. Realizing and learning about God, the Father,  Jesus Christ, the son of God and the Holy Spirit, that are focused on throughout the Bible..

During these past few weeks, the focus of the series has been on following specific geographic sites through the different Bible books. Go to the blogs beginning in May and revisit these important biblical sites that have been discussed. Some of the sites followed through the books include Bethlehem, Jerusalem, Sea of Galilee, Mount Moriah, Mount Zion, Mount of Olives, and the Kidron Valley. Other sites with defining Bible verses will be lisited below for the follower to search for and read. Keep the timeline of when specific books or when events were written about in a specific book as you continue your Bible study. This will conclude this part of the series on relating the books of the Bible to each other through geographic sites. In our next few blogs, similar words and ideas that filtrate through the Bible will be discussed.

Remember, the more you read and study the Bible, the nearer and closer you will come to God. The nearer and closer you are to God, the stronger the faith you will have in God and the more likely you will obey and follow in His ways. Having knowledge of God’s wisdom that is learned through Bible study will abide within the inner-most thought processes of the mind, allowing direction and guiding influence when facing the challenges of everyday living experiences.                      MAY GOD BLESS YOUR BIBLE STUDY THIS WEEK!                    

Other biblical sites: THE LAND OF CANAAN: (The Promised Land:) Numbers, chapter 34, verses 6-10; Exodus, chapter 6, verses 1-4 and chapter 13, verses 11-22; Joshua, chapter 1, verses 1-5. JERICHO: Joshua, chapter 2, verses 1-3; 1400 years later when Jesus entered Jericho: Luke, chapter 18, verse 35 and chapter 19, verse 1-6; THE JORDAN RIVER: Numbers, chapter 34, verses 10-12; Joshua, chapter 3, verses 14-17 and chapter 4, verse 1; and written 1400 years later, Mark, chapter 1, verses 4-9, the Jordan River. THE DEAD SEA: Genesis, chapter 19, verses 18-23; Numbers, chapter 34, verse 12; Joshua, chapter 3, verse 16. Look up other geographic sites listed in the blog written 1 week ago and 2 weeks ago to reinforce your knowledge of important geographic sites.

Posted 97 weeks ago

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