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As Christ Is My Example
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KNOWING YOUR BIBLE June 4th, 2022: Dear Friends, Welcome to this blog, a place to come to learn, God’s Holy Word, by all who read and study the Bible. In this series the emphasis has been on helping in learning the names and books of the Bible, how to search for Bible verses to read and study, how the Bible books are organized, the approximate timeline of when the books were written and how the books of the Bible are related to each other. Go to the website above left to review recent past blogs in this series, returning to the April 24th blog, and progressing forward to last week’s blog.     If new to Bible study, spend some time learning the names and locations of the books of the Bible. This is the first step in learning the Bible. Knowing where the books are located when searching for Bible verses, will be very helpful to learning what the Bible is trying to teach to its readers.                                          Progression has been made in this series. The focus in the past few weeks has been on how the books of the Bible are related. Studying geographic sites that are found throughout the many books of the Bible help in the realization that even though the subject matter from book to book may be different, the locations of where different events and happenings are written about are the same. Adding in the event’s or site’s approximate timeline gives additional insight into the event or site one is reading about. An example in our own lives would be to live or travel to a particular site where something important or influential occurred at the same site two to three hundred years before. A common bond to that site may occur resulting in a broader perspective and a feeling of commonality to that particular site.                                                  Geographic sites will be listed below with some discussion on each site. Hopefully, what is written, will bring further understanding of how the books of the Bible are related.                                                                                                                                   MAY YOU BE BLESSED IN YOUR                     BIBLE STUDY THIS WEEK!           Geographic Sites with Bible Verses: Site: The Wadi Kidron, also known as the Kidron valley is located in Jerusalem outside the walls of Old Jerusalem with the valley lying north to south, with Mount Moriah and Mount Zion to the west of the Kidron; and the Mount of Olives located to the east of the Kidron. These three mountains can also be classified as important geographic sites. They are located within approximately 1-2 miles of each other. These mountians,  Mount Zion and Mount Moriah lie adjacent to each other. All three of these mountains have eroded significately in the past 2000 years. Bible verses: 2nd Samuel, chapter 15, verse 23-30, talks about King David walking across the Kidron in the approximate years in the 1050 BCE timeframe. And in John, chapter 18, verse 1, Jesus crossed the Kidron valley on the night of his arrest prior to his crucifixion. This occurred approximately 30 AD, approxmately 1000 years after King David crossed the Kidron. Other verses on the valley of Kidron: Jeremiah, chapter 32, verses 38-30. Site: Jerusalem: The city of Jerusalem has been written about with the name mentioned in several Bible books throughout the Bible. Jerusalem became an important city when King David named the city “The City Of David” and established his kingship there from the time of his early reign. (In the 1000′s BCE). Several kings served as King of Isarel after David’s Death and can be read about in Bible book of 2nd Kings. Verses: 2nd Samuel, chapter 5, verses 6-10. Jeremiah, written 300 years later in the 700′s BCE, chapter 3, verses 15-18. And in the New Testament, in the 4 gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, the word “Jerusalem” has been written numerous times. Jesus spent much time in Jerusalem teaching and healing the many. He encountered strong critcism and dislike when in Jerusalem and was crucified after being mocked as the “King of the Jews” in approx. 30 AD, 1000 years after King David’s reign as King. Scan through the gospel books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John for the word “Jerusalem” in association with Jesus’ time spent there. Because of space limitations, the topic of relating the books of the Bible to geographic sites will be continued in the next blog.

Posted 102 weeks ago

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