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As Christ Is My Example
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KNOWING YOUR BIBLE                            May 28, 2022: Dear Friends, Welcome to this blog on learning and knowing your Bible. We are currently into a series on learning how to know and use the Bible. Return to the April 24th blog and advance forward, reviewing each blog and contemplating on what has been written to help learn to use the Bible. The focus in this series is on learning the name and location of each book of the Bible, to understand how the Bible books are organized and to learn how to search for and find Bible verses to read and contemplate. Our most recent discussion has been on understanding how the Bible books are related. Learning to read and use the Bible can bring confusion and lack of understanding to newcomers who are trying to learn the Bible. There are 66 books in the Bible, 39 in the Old Testament and 27 in the New Testament. Each book was written by one or more authors hundreds of years before or after each of the other books were written. Difficulty arises because of the lack of being able to come to a conclusion of how the many books of the Bible are related. This series is now into discussing how the books can be related through following the different geographic sites through the books of the Bible. Last week, the small town of Bethlehem was followed through the books, with the addition of when the book was written that contained the word Bethlehem. Realizing what was taken place in a site in certain years can give a broader perspective of Bible knowledge. This week, the geographic site and history of Mount Moriah, will be followed through some of the books of the Bible. When studying the geographic sites written about in the Bible, remember that the country of Isarel is a small country approximately 70-80 miles wide and 300 miles long. Search for the different Bible verses listed with each site to help gain experience in searching for Bible verses to read. When reading from a specific book of the Bible, try to remember where in the organization chart of the books, is the book located.                                                                    MAY GOD BLESS YOUR BIBLE STUDY THIS WEEK!              Bible verses: Mount Moriah: Genesis, chapter 22, verses 1-14, approx date of event took place in the 1700′s BCE; 2nd Samuel, chapter 34, verse 21 and verses 24-25, took place approximately in the 1050 BCE time frame; 2nd Chronicles, chapter 2, verses 1-6 and  chapter 3, verses 1-7. Took place approx. 1000 BCE time frame. Abraham took his son to Mt Moriah in the late 1700 BCE timeframe and 700 years later, King Solomon built the first temple on Mt Moriah in approximately 1000 BCE. That temple stood until Jerusalam was overthrown by King Nebuchadnezezzar of Babylon in 586 BCE as written in 2nd Chronicles, chapter 36, verses 11-21. In the year of approximately 516 (70 years after being captive in Babylon) King Cyrus, allowed those who had been captive to return to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple, the second temple. The books of Ezra and Nehimiah tell the story of the rebuilding of the 2nd temple in the approximately 400′s BCE timeframe.. The second temple was rebuilt adjacent to the first temple on Mount Moriah. This was the temple that Jesus ministered in during his life here on earth,approximately in the late 20′s to early 30′s AD. Matthew, chapter 21 verses12-12 and chapter 24, verses 1-2, ( some 1700 years after Abraham’s story and 1000 years after King Solomon built the first temple on Mount Moriah. The area where both temples were built is today referred as the Jewish Temple Mount and consists of having the Dome of The Rock and the Al Aqsa, both Moslim Mosques, in this 18 acre area on Mount Moriah. Continuation of studying the geographic sites in the Bible to help better understand how the Bible books are related will continue next week.

Posted 103 weeks ago

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