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As Christ Is My Example
provides scriptural quotes that will draw you closer to Christ allowing you to gain a deeper understanding of his life here on Earth. This book is a must read for any who are searching for Christ. To purchase, please visit my website: www.keeganbooks.com

KNOWING YOUR BIBLE May 1, 2022: Dear Friends, Welcome to each of you as you come to this platform to learn more about the Bible. The sole purpose of this blog is to help the follower learn and know the Bible. Many already know much about the Bible. In these writings additional information is provided that will broaden prospective in contemplating what is being read and studied. Before we begin this series on learning the Bible, let us review Jesus’ life after resurrection by reading John, chapter 21, verses 1-19. Note that Jesus directed his disciples in 3 different directives in verses 15-20 to “Feed my  lambs,”Tend my sheep” and “Feed my sheep.” These words were some of Jesus’ last words to his disciples before his ascension into heaven (Acts, chapter 1, verses 1-11). Spend some time contemplating the words of Jesus and how these directives can influence decision making in following Jesus throughout one’s life. As mentioned last week, the series that will be focused on in the next several weeks will be learning the Bible, for the new follower and reviewing and adding knowledge about the Bible for the follower who has some acquisition of biblical knowledge. Hopefully, all who follow this series will learn and gain knowledge about the Bible. Perhaps some may go on to teach others, whether a friend or a group about the Bible. Our first instructions will be on how to learn the names and locations of the books of the Bible. The Bible books are divided into two sections, the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament is composed of 39 books that were written about events that occurred before Jesus Christ’s birth in 6 BCE. The New Testament books are composed of 27 books and were written after Christ’s birth, most written between 40AD -120AD. (Times are approximate.)  To get started place a Bible in hand. Open the Bible, and starting with the first book of the Old Testament, Genesis, using your finger, thumb forward to the next book, Exodus. Continue forward through the Old Testament, pronouncing the name of each book, until reaching the last book of the Old Testament, Malachi. Note and keep in mind where the book is located as progression is made through the Old Testament. Then continue into the New Testament, with the first book, Matthew, and progress forward through each book. Pronounce the name of each book as progression is made to the last book in the New Testament, Revelations. As before, note where the book is located in the New Testament. In our next study, we will continue to focus on the organization of the Bible books. During the next week, practice going through the books of the Bible 2-3 times a day until you begin to remember the names of the books. Direct attention to where the book is located, in the Old Testament or the New Testament.  As we progress through this series, Bible verses will be listed to search for and read. Until then, for the next few weeks, go back to the last series of blogs on our study of Jesus Christ, by going to the website above left, and beginning on February 20, continue through April 17. Read a blog as time allows, 2-3 a week if possible, and contemplate on the life and humanity of Jesus, his death by crucifixion and his resurrection.             MAY YOU BE CONTINUOUSLY BLESSED IN YOUR BIBLE STUDY THIS WEEK!

Posted 106 weeks ago

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