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As Christ Is My Example
provides scriptural quotes that will draw you closer to Christ allowing you to gain a deeper understanding of his life here on Earth. This book is a must read for any who are searching for Christ. To purchase, please visit my website: www.keeganbooks.com


November 14,2021: Dear Friends, I hope you are enjoying some of this beautiful fall weather. Aren’t we blessed every day with all of God’s gifts to us through nature and throughout the universe? May you continued to be blessed as you are studying and learning the Bible.

We are nearing closure on our study series that has focused on important people written about in the Bible. Refer to past blogs starting with the August 11 blog and, proceeding forward to this blog, to review and contemplate on what has been written in this series of blogs.

There are many important people written about in the Bible. Time and space do not allow listing and writing about all the noted people in the Bible. Giving exposure to a few of the most noted people in the Bible will allow for spiritual growth in knowledge and wisdom as one is trying to learn the Bible. As time continues and Bible study becomes consistent, one begins to know and understand the Bible. Perspective is being molded into our mindset as we continue to gain knowledge of the Bible. Perception becomes an important influence on learning as we try to decipher what is being learned through the study of the Bible.

The focus of this visit will be on the prophets whose books are located in the last part of the Old Testament. For the most part, the name of the book is named after the author. The word “Prophet” has been defined as “one who prophesies and predicts the future.” Refer back to our study on learning the Bible (April 11, 2021-June 27, 2021) by going to the website above left. Review the listing of the prophet books in the organizational chart and in the timetable on the approximate time the books were written or when the events written about in a particular book occurred. Again, learning some details about the books of the Bible will propel one’s intensity of desire to want to dig deeper and learn more about the Bible. 

There are seventeen prophet books. The prophet books begin with the prophet Isaiah and end with the last book of the Old Testament, Malachi. There are four prophet books, Isaiah, Jeremiah, including Lamentations (written by Jeremiah), Ezekiel and Daniel, which are referred to as the major prophets.The reference to the word “major” has been said because these books with the exception of Lamentations, are larger in size when compared to the “minor” prophets, whose books for the most part are only a few pages in length. The minor prophet books include the following: Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah,Micah, Nathum Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi. 

For Bible study this week, go through the prophet books of the Old Testament. During the study one might want to read a few verses in each book just to get an insight of what is being written. One might want to write the approximate date that the book was written at the top of the first page of the book as a future reference. It is helpful in knowing the date that the book was written when trying to associate when the events written about occurred. Also, always remember, if using one’s own Bible, consider underlining or highlighting meaningful verses, so that the verses can readily be found when going back to read and contemplate on what has been written. 


Posted 130 weeks ago

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