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As Christ Is My Example
provides scriptural quotes that will draw you closer to Christ allowing you to gain a deeper understanding of his life here on Earth. This book is a must read for any who are searching for Christ. To purchase, please visit my website: www.keeganbooks.com


October 10, 2021: Dear Friends, We will continue our series on highlighting different people that are written about in the Bible. The reason this series has been written is to broaden the biblical knowledge of the person learning the Bible. Learning and knowing the Bible is a satisfying, rewarding, achievement, influencing perspective and wisdom in decision-making and judgement, as one is trying to discern life’s experiences and challenges.

In the past few weeks, discussions have focused on persons and events written in the book of Genesis. Return to the website above left and go to the blog written on August 22. Progress forward reading the blogs written through October 3, to review this series of blogs. Note that Abraham, his sons, and grandsons, were written about and have been focused on in several chapters of Genesis. Having learned some about these persons, as well as other persons that have or will be written about, will allow the reader to have a better understanding when one of the person’s might be mentioned in Bible verses found in other books of the Bible. References to these persons are found in many of the books of the Bible. (Reference Verses: Exodus, chapter 6, verse 8, Joshua, chapter 24, verses 2-4; Nehemiah, chapter 9, verses 7-8; Acts,chapter 7, verses 2-54[early biblical history]; Hebrews, chapter 11, verses 8-12 & 17-22.)

In today’s discussion the focus will be on Moses. Moses led the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt into the “Promised Land” of Israel. The Law books, the first 5 books of the Bible, Genesis through Deuteronomy, have been thought to have been written by Moses,or, at least some of his writings were included in these books. The Ten Commandments, written by Moses at the direction of God, can be found in Exodus, chapter 20. The approximate time frame of Moses’ life covered a period of time in the 1400′s BCE, approximately 300 years after Abraham and his family lived on earth. 

The book of Exodus tells of the life of Moses, his teachings, the leading of his people from Exodus and other important information that is relevant in understanding how important Moses is in the history of the Bible. As in the study of Abraham, details about Moses’ life allows the reader to realize that Moses, and the people of his time had thinking, feelings and actions, that are similar to ours, although there is a 3500 plus-time period from his time to our time.

Our Bible study for this week is on the book of Exodus. There are 39 chapters in Exodus. Try to read two chapters a day, 14 chapters or more this week. Spend some time contemplating on what is being read. If possible, share Bible study with another or others and discuss what has been read.  

The more the Bible is read, the more one draws near to God, the more one is influenced in helping to change thinking and actions. Understanding love, compassion, mercy and the goodness of God, and through his son, Jesus Christ, that is written throughout the Bible, can and should make a difference in one’s thinking and actions. There are other positive ways that one can be influenced to change, but knowing the Bible is one of the most important, if not the most important, in helping in changing ways of thinking and ways of acting.  As Jesus said in John, chapter 10, verse 10: “The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy, I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               MAY YOU BE BLESSED IN YOUR BIBLE STUDY TODAY !                

Posted 135 weeks ago

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